Neerja Poddar

Neerja Poddar

What if you realised that you are not wrong? 

This reality and your past may have convinced you otherwise, but now its time to take the step to being kinder to YOU.

In Access Consciousness, the Bars and with all the other tools in Access Consciousness, I found the easiest and quickest way of getting over the stresses and upsets and judgements that we may have been living with.

I had alwaya believed in logic, reasoning and analysis and things had to make sense for me to be able to work with them.

One time my husband was diagnosed with a bad back and they said it needfed surgery. We instead went for a session of Energy Healing and he no longer needed surgery! I could not understand it, but I knew then that there was so much in the universe that I did not know about. this started my journey into the magical world of Healing.

I was so skeptical about Access, but I kept using its tools.

Life became easier and more joyful. I knew that I need to take this forward and facilitate people into finding more ease and joy in their lives.

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Create more in all aspects of your life with the tools in the Foundation Class.

“"When you feel most defeated, take another step; because right behind that is the greatest world of possibility you can imagine"”

- Dr.Dain Heer


My Classes

دورة الأساس

هذا الصف يلغي أساس المحدودية التي كنت تعتقد أنه يجب عليك العيش من خلالها لأنك لا تملك خياراً آخر! يتم تقديمه من قبل مدرب آكسس كونشيسنس معتمد في جميع أنحاء العالم ومدته 4 أيام من الاستكشاف المكثف لكل ما هو ممكن. الصف يخلق الوعي لأساس الوعي الذي لم تكن تستخدمه من قبل في حياتك!

دورة مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars

إن مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars هي جوهر آكسس كونشيسنس Access Cnosciousness اساسها. لقد قامت بمساعدة آلاف الأشخاص على تغيير العديد من جوانب أجسامهم وحياتهم بما في ذلك النوم والصحة والوزن والمال والجنس والعلاقات والقلق والإجهاد وأكثر من ذلك. يمكنك منح نفسك وعملائك وأصدقائك وأسرتك وزملاء العمل الرعاية واللطف والعناية التي ترغب بها بيسر تام من خلال تعلمك هذه التقنية أو تلقيها.