Barbra Gilman

Barbra Gilman

Barbra Gilman is The Quick Change Artist, shift your energy, change your life! Author of Whatever the F*CK it Takes! Sold in the Access Shop! The Unofficial Guide for Living Successfully on Planet Earth, and the contributing author of An Indigo Celebration and The Indigo Children Ten Years Later. Barbra Gilman has over thirty years experience as a therapist/coach. She is the founder of Success Strategies For Life, and The Wild Women Choosing Project, a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, offering energy tools and techniques along with her knowing –enabling people to create new possibilities as they clear the energy of their limitations. Barbra developed Conscious Parenting for a New Paradigm. and served as the Director of Family Education for Neale Donald Walsch’s Heartlight Education and the Center for Spiritual Awareness. Barbra is a noted inspirational/motivational speaker, keynoting many conferences for women’s organizations and facilitating countless trainings on successful personal and business development through consciousness. She also has hosted her own radio show, Conscious Choices.

Do you know in your heart there is more for you in this life? Is there a little voice inside you telling you that you are amazing and can have it all? Are you wondering how to tap into how great you really are?

What possibilities could you create if you could turn everything that seems to be holding you back around to claim, own and acknowledge the greatness you actually are?

Imagine that your life is your greatest creation, and you author every scene, moment by moment. Consciousness is choosing to know and act from this space. We are all miraculous creators, and being conscious of how we create and what we create is an art. I assist people master that art. I empower people to step beyond the boundaries of their comfort zones – to claim their gifts and talents, and then show up in the world as an inspiration and invitation to what is possible when we choose for us and not against us!

The quickest way to activate a transformation in life is not to change what you DO, but to shift the energy of HOW you function in life. Quantum physics tell us that wherever you focus is where energy flows — and most people focus on what is not working. When you do that you solidify the energy and it is locked in place creating limitation. This is not a conventional approach; it is a dynamic, scientific-driven modality that is being used by the most advanced thinkers of our time. Now it is available to you…if you choose!

Access Consciousness is a set of simple and amazing tools, techniques and philosophies that you can start to use immediately, that allow you to create dynamic change in every area of your life, with your body and with you. There is nothing like Access Consciousness anywhere. It is the weirdest, fastest and funniest way you'll ever find to enable you to embrace a place of infinite possibilities that reside within each of us.

Be the conscious artist in your own life. Learn the art of creating yourself moment by moment; then see how the world miraculously changes around you.

The world changes when people change. And it all starts with you….Being YOU and changing the world!

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Cursos próximos

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BEing ME!

“Are YOU ready to CHOOSE for YOU now WTFIT?!”



Mis cursos

Clase de las Barras de Access

Las Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.

El Fundamento

Esta clase elimina el fundamento de limitación desde el que has pensado que tienes que vivir, ¡como si no hubiera otra elección! Es facilitada por Facilitadores Certificados en todo el mundo y es una intensa exploración de cuatro días acerca de qué más es posible. ¡Con esta clase te darás cuenta del fundamento de consciencia que aún no has estado usando en tu vida!

El facelift de Access

El Facelift de Access es una manera maravillosa de rejuvenecer el rostro y revertir los signos de envejecimiento en la cara y en el cuerpo entero. El gentil y calmante toque aplicado en tu rostro y cuello trabaja con las células de tu cuerpo para restaurar, activar y rejuvenecer.