Dr. Minette Sanchez

Minette Sanchez

Being a certified professional life coach, hypnotherapist, Access consciousness certified Bars, Body process and Energetic Facelift Facilitator, I've had the pleasure of working with many business's, individuals and families, helping them to have more Ease and joy in their finances, life and relationships. I am certified in several modalties that add to my toolbox NLP, Reiki Master, EFT and many more , although most sessions seem to include Access tools as those have been the most powerful tools for change that I have had the pleasure to work with. My sessions are available for individuals, couples and groups. I also offer classes Nationwide, don't see a class listing near you,contact me to set one up today.
Call today to find out how you can experience more Ease and Joy in your life.

Cursos próximos

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{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
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“Let it all go.... Know what You KNOW.... And step into the FLOW!!!”

- Minette


Mis cursos

Clase de las Barras de Access

Las Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.

El facelift de Access

El Facelift de Access es una manera maravillosa de rejuvenecer el rostro y revertir los signos de envejecimiento en la cara y en el cuerpo entero. El gentil y calmante toque aplicado en tu rostro y cuello trabaja con las células de tu cuerpo para restaurar, activar y rejuvenecer.