Jenna Wakely

Jenna Wakely

About 10 years ago I woke up one day dreaming of a friend so I phoned her. I asked her "how come I am dreaming about you?" She said "Jenna you have to take this course called Access Consciousness Bars I am teaching it this weekend." I went to that class and since then my life has been transforming. I have more ease and joy then I can ever imagine thanks to the tools of Access. I love teaching the Access Bars Class to others so they find ease and joy too!! What are the infinite possibilities for your life? I am very excited that I have completed the facilitators training, it has opened up my world! I had no idea that by facilitating this class to others it would shift me so much. If you truly desire something different in your life come take The Foundation class!! I am willing to go anywhere to  facilitate it, so if you want me to come to your city just ask me. I wonder what your life would be like if you chose to go beyond the patterns you have been stuck in? All you have to do if you want something different is to just chose! I look forward to meeting you in the future. 

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