Larina Chester

Larina Chester

I was always a 'seeker' and started my discovery of possibilities (using the Access tools) with a money class in Perth 9 years ago ... and now everything has changed!

Yes, it's not always easy, but neither was being totally on autopilot reaction and dissatisfied with what was showing up in my life. Change is not always comfortable, yet Access provides so many tools and classes to shift, clear and change points of view and judgements creating what is showing up for you ... ‘Your points of view create your reality.’

If you were to choose your reality, what would you choose?

I would like to invite you to new possibilities for your life and with your body.  Soothing, letting go of limitations, defragging of your busy mind, unwinding tight muscles and joints and nurturing touch.   Using the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness® I invite you and your body to a renewed sense of ease, creativity, relaxation and revitalisation.  A new space from which to create a dynamic, fun and ease filled life!

Please telephone or email me to …

 Ask questions? Free 5-10 minute chat

 Access Bars® sessions & classes

 Access Energetic Facelift™ sessions & classes

 Access Body Process sessions

 ESSE (Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment) sessions for you &/ your pet(s)

(No prior experience necessary!)

PS. If I don't have a class listed or current class dates and times don't work for you, please ask me about a class tailored to suit your requirements.

‘All of Life Comes to Us With Ease, Joy & Glory’®


Just like young mammals our bodies’ are vibrant and thrive when touched.  There may be many decisions, judgements and conclusions we we have made to not be touched by another person.  The most common is the misconception that the only time we can receive physical nurturing is during sex.  What if this is not true? What if you could receive that caring touch without it being misconstrued, forced or invasive?  Even better, what if you could change your life by being willing to gift and receive more of that caring and kindness?

If you're an Access Bars or Access Bodywork Practitioner or Facilitator and would like to get updates for our regular gifting & receiving sessions on the Sunshine Coast please join the Facebook Group 'Sunshine Coast Access Bars & Bodywork Swaps'

Can’t make it to a class (in person or online)? … Have a good look-see around this website for more information.  If money or time are a ‘problem’ there is so much free stuff on YouTube, SoundCloud, Voice America, and more …  Sign up for the intro emails with Access Consiousness or Dr Dain Heer and receive ‘tools’ that if you take and use ... even just one of them will change your life!

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Hi and welcome! Please enjoy this introduction to the Access Energetic Facelift. What is truly possible with these energies of space, kindness, nurturing, and so much more!


My Classes

Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.

Intro Access Barseihin

Tämän koulutuksen aihe on saada kaikki ne mahdollisuudet joiden olet toivonut ilmestyvän; ja työkalut minkä tahansa muuttamiseen mikä ei toimi sinulle, heti sillä hetkellä ja siinä paikassa.Fasilitaattorisi käy läpi Access Conscioussnessin perustyökaluja ja esittelee sinulle Access Barsin, dynaamisen kehoprosessin, joka on helppo oppia.