Laura DeCrane

Laura DeCrane

My name is Laura DeCrane and I am an Access Bars Practitioner.

I grew up in a very loving family, and I enjoyed a wonderful childhood.  In grade school, though, I was made fun of for a period of several years, which caused me to develop quite a few insecurities that would follow me into adulthood.

At the same time I also became very distressed over the pain and suffering that I was seeing in the world.  I simply couldn't reconcile it with a God who was all-knowing, all-powerful, and unconditionally loving.  It seemed to me that life should be more wonderful and less tragic.  And so I began a spiritual journey, seeking answers and understanding.

One day, along that journey, an ad in a newspaper triggered an uncharacteristic desire to try parachuting.  That would lead me to become a skydiver, which required that I overcome at least some of my insecurities.  I specifically remember the turning point in my adventure --- the first time I was truly relaxed, comfortable, and confident throughout an entire skydive.  It was almost a physical sensation of crossing over a line within myself.  It was on that day that I realized I had become a skydiver, and was no longer "trying" or "struggling" to become one.

But it was much later that I would have a more profound realization:  What if I hadn't become someone new at all?  What if I had simply awakened to being someone I had always been?  Someone who had been dormant.  What if I had only scratched the surface?  What if every risk I took, and every interest I pursued, only revealed more of me?  What if there would always be more to know?

And....what if joy and peace increased with the knowing?

I used to carry the mistaken notion that we have to work hard, struggle, suffer, and "earn" our way into a state of joy and peace --- when the truth is, we're already there.  It's our natural state.  We simply need to stop blocking it with our own limiting thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives.

Over time I have gathered many tools for releasing limiting thoughts and beliefs, but when I fell into Access Consciousness I fell into a really great tool box.  And Access Bars is one of the most effective stress-relieving, aligning, and clearing tools that I have ever used.

Access Bars literally clears the hard drive of your consciousness, so that there's more space for "who you really are" to shine through.  You will then begin to function from that perspective, rather than functioning from a more limited, stifling view of yourself, your life, and the world.  This will enable you to consider greater possibilities, which will, in turn, allow them to show up for you.  And as a result your life will begin to become more of the wonderful and magical journey that it was always meant to be.

What will a Bars session hold for you?

If you would like to find out, please contact me.  My fees are as follows:

--- Standard 90-Minute Session = $75

--- Bargain Bars on a Budget = 50 Minutes for $50

Who knows what doors might be opened!

Until then, thank you for your interest, and may your journey continually awaken you to more of who you really are!



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