Yvonne Rozier

Yvonne Rozier

My first self development course I did was in 2001   Since then my life has consistently been expanding and becoming more adventurous and fun. No longer am I destined to believe that life just happens. When I follow what I know is true "for me" it all falls into place.
One thing is for sure, it never shows up the way you "think" it will. It's always greater !!
When you start to recognise what is you and what isn't, then you have many paths you can choose from.  And when you choose "for you" the dots start connecting without contradiction. It may not seem like it at first but if you never give in, never give up and never quit. Oh boy, magic happens and it gets quicker and easier.
The Access Bars and Body Processes allows your body to release whatever it needs to for you to become aware of what choices are available to "you" in any given moment to create greater.
It would be my privilege to assist you as a Practitioner or Facilitator.
I am available to travel anywhere in NSW to facilitate BARS CLASSES as long there are 2 or more adult participants. All young people welcome. I have a Working With Children Check certificate. All enquiries welcomed.


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“What do you know that you're pretending not to know ?”

- Dr. Dain Heer
