Kimber Wilkins

Kimber Wilkins

Hi there, welcome to my page

I have a question for you ....
What if being different wasn’t wrong?

If you, being you brought out your unique abilities, would your life be happier? easier?

Access Consciousness® has made such a huge contribution to my life, I can barely remember how unhappy I used to be.  I'm excited to be able to assist you in creating a life that works for you, using the tools and processes that worked for me!

There is a unique joy in working with seekers like you.  I offer personal and group sessions as well as a variety of classes (Access Bars, Being You, The Foundation, Talking to Everything and more....)

Lets find out what else is possible for YOU! 

Have you tried really hard to be 'normal' (whatever that is)?  Does being normal truly work for you? 

Have you always known that you are different, enjoy nature and the company of animals more than most people? 

Have you been searching for where to begin, how to change your life and be happy?  

That unsatisfied 'knowing more is out there' is exactly what kept me seeking and searching until I attended my first Access Consciousness® class  in 2012.  Access Consciousness® tools and processes are what I personally use to change what ever isn't working for me.  Its never too late, happiness is possible, and I'd love to contribute to your joyful journey to being who you truly be.

Whether you are enrolled in one of my classes, attending an Info session, Access Bars® Exchange, or experiencing the magic of a private session, all of my awareness, experience and abilities are available to you.

I facilitate classes and offer sessions throughout the Niagara region, Greater Toronto area and worldwide.  I love to travel and share the tools and processes of Access Consciousness®.  If you don't see a class listed that suits your requirements, please contact me and lets expore the possibilities together.

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A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
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Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“"Awareness costs nothing and can change everything"”

- Gary Douglas
