Val Winchester

Val Winchester

The day after I had my Bars run my life began to change for the better and it has never stopped!!  I am so grateful to Access for all I have learned and the possibilities which keep showing up for me.

How would you like your life to be?  How would you like to be in your life?  What if more was possible than you ever imagined?  If something is not working in your life and you yearn for change then having your Bars run is a great place to start.  

I have worked as a healer for nearly 20 years now.  One night, I was running a healing and relaxation evening in the Yurt at the bottom of my garden.  I found myself holding someones head.  It seemed that my hands would not move from their head until their head was ready to let them go.  Then I heard these words in my head "Heal the brain, heal the body".  I thought no more of it.  A few days later, I was with a group of friends and I noticed that everyone kept using the phrase "How does it get any better than this?"  I asked my friend why everyone was sayin this and they told me about Access Consciousness and the Bars.  The pull to get my Bars run was huge, even though I didn't have a clue what it was about.  The day after I had my bars run, my mood was lifted, I even found myself singing in the street.  Then money started to appear in my life from the most unexpected places, I had more clients and things started to change even more when I used the tools of Access. I now watch my own Bars clients change their lives in ways they could not have ever imagined.  So many stories to tell.  I wonder what yours will be? Truly, what else is possible?

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