Giancarla Gureng

Giancarla Gureng

Welcome! What would you ask for if you knew that everything is possible? Wondering how Access Bars® can contribute to you? Access Bars® allows you to have all of you and releases anything that does not work in your life anymore.

There are no coincidences….you found this to have something different and greater in your world. Indeed, there is so much more possible.

What if you could have more in your life than you can ever imagine and be always happy? Contact me for any questions and more possibilities in your world.

“All of life comes to us with ease, joy and glory.®”


For more information and upcoming classes, check this link: 





"Access Bars® has been truly remarkable in my life. It became a routine for me to have private sessions, as I feel rejuvenated whenever my Bars® are run.  For me it's like a 60-minute massage session equivalent to an 8-hour sleep and relaxation. In addition, my mind and spirit seem to be restored back to 100 percent of life force.

The depression that has been attempting to surface within me never had the chance to develop into a severe one. I found solitude, yet I never felt empty. It seems. I have always been my radiant self with energies that nourish and embrace me with warmth and lightness.

As a result, I have shared the positive effects of Access Bars® to my family and friends too. We seem to share amazing effects holistically. Indeed, Access Bars® helped my younger sister who was being treated with chemotherapy during that time and she recuperated rapidly; right now she is a cancer survivor for years.

Grateful for its effect, I highly recommend Access Bars® to anyone. This life-changing experience would never be possible if it wasn’t for Giancarla. She is a light bringer to my family’s life and mine.” – RC

‘When Gian performed Acess Bars® on me on several occasions, she was very kind and explained processes well enough for someone new to the modality. She was patient in explaining the pragmatic tools in such a way that was easy for me to comprehend and apply into my life. She has such a calming nature and also emanates positivity opening doors to possibilities because I felt different, better even, after the sessions. What’s more, she made me feel comfortable and reassured throughout.” MG

“My energy pull worked. Thanks for sharing the tool with me!” – YR

“An Access Bars® session with Gian is an experience that allows me to unwind and let go of all the worries because it makes me feel so relaxed. I feel all my stress melt away, and it revitalises my body as well.

My experience of the session is transformed into something magical that is hard to put into words. I was delighted with the session, and I usually treat myself to receive Access Bars® every time I feel low and exhausted with the activities of being a teacher.” -AN

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“If you never judged you, what would your life look like?”

- Gary M. Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness®


Minhas aulas

Access Facelift

O Access Facelift é uma maneira maravilhosa de rejuvenescer o rosto e reverter os sinais do envelhecimento do rosto e de todo o corpo. O suave toque calmante aplicado ao seu rosto e pescoço age nas células do seu corpo para restaurar, estimular e rejuvenescer.

Stress Relief Introductory Workshop

This workshop will give you a few simple tools as an invitation to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Your life is a beautiful gift. Isn’t it time you had space to enjoy it more?

Barras de Access no Parque

Você está convidado para este evento experimente uma sessão de Barras de Access na beleza de um espaço ao ar livre! Cada sessão é diferente. O que geralmente se relata é que há uma sensação de relaxamento total, uma mente mais pacífica, além de energia e criatividade aumentadas.

Dar e Receber Access Facelift Energético

O que é o Access Facelift Energético?
É um processo corporal com toques simples e dinâmicos, que pode aprofundar e acelerar as capacidades naturais do corpo de se regenerarem enquanto desfazem sinais de envelhecimento na face e no corpo. Um toque suave é aplicado ao seu rosto e pescoço, trabalhando nas células corporais para restaurar, estimular e rejuvenescer.

Classe de Barras de Access

As Barras de Access são a espinha dorsal e a fundação de Access Consciousness. Elas podem ser o ponto de partida de uma grande aventura e pode ser algo que você inclui na sua vida que o ajudará a criar uma grande facilidade com tudo. As Barras são 32 pontos únicos na cabeça que estão relacionados a diferentes áreas e aspectos da vida. Toque uma Barra e você começará a limpar a energia presa àquela área ou àquele aspecto de sua vida, apenas por tocá-la.