Jamie Verrillo

Jamie Verrillo

"Jamie Verrillo

Access Consciousness was just what I needed. When I first heard about Access Consciousness I was amazed how simple, light and easy I could clear issues in my life and help other people do the same...it's magical. I love the tools and techniques and I have easily incorporated them into my life and now I am so excited to share Access Consciousness with the rest of the world.

I have a background in the field of energy and have spent many years with horses and now Access Consciousness has allowed me to facilitate energy now in such an exspansive space of conscious awareness that I knew was possible but I wasn't sure how to access it.

Access Consciousness has changed my life very dramatically . As a young boy I was super sensitive to everyone's thoughts and feeling, the unfortunate result of that is I thought all of that shit was mine which made me feel so heavy and small that I just wanted to hide from the world .When I started working with horses I was able to show up and function from a greater space with more ease.

When I started to work with the tools of Access and started having my Bars run that relief and empowerment that I felt with horses showed up again, and I wanted more ,so I chose to become a Bars Facilitator which continued to open up more doors and pathways of awareness that allow 's me to facilitate for animals and people with such ease.

Now that I have these practical tools and processes of Access life seems so much easier.

What if you could remove your limitations, unlock your potential and live your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else…having the ability to receive everything, reject nothing and create everything you desire in life? How can it get any better then that? What else is possible that you haven't yet considered ?

What do you know that your pretending not to know ?

Wanna find out ?

Testimonial from Jamie's client:

""I went to one of Jamie’s introductory classes and realized immediately that I wanted to explore BARS with Jamie as my practitioner. It’s been more life changing than I ever suspected! Each week I am amazed at what transpires, with each session unique and transformative. Jamie’s energy, awarenesses and contributions are so insightful and truly powerful. Thank you, Jamie, for helping me change my life for the better!"" -Maureen

""I have been working with Jamie for over two years and am continuously amazed and delighted to experience the expansion and lightness that comes from our sessions. If I miss my weekly session, for any reason, I am keenly aware of a difference in me and my energy. By getting regular sessions with Jamie, I enjoy greater space in my life, allowance for myself, and possibilities. HDIGABTT?!"" -Rebecca

I would love to talk with you to see what greater possibilities are available.

Want more info go to www.animalfacilitator.com

Call me for a free consultation for you, your animals or a loved one.

Jamie Verrillo


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