Violeta Arama

Violeta Arama

Hello! Thank you for coming here. You are most welcome!

Do you know what a big gift you are? And what a contribution are you for this world? Would you like to discover?
You, as the infinite being you are, beyond the boundaries of everything you have ever known or defined as you, is the most daring adventure you could ever have? Would you dare?

Are you wondering what else is possible in your life? I might be able to help you... Will you choose it?

I am a Facilitator with Access Consciousness, I offer Bars classes, Access Body Process classes; Access Facelift classes, whenever you will like to have a class you can ask me.

I offer also private Symphony Sessions, Access Bars and other energy work sessions, including Access Body Processes: MTVSS, Energetic Facelift, Correcting Vision, and more. There are more than 50 Body Processes discovered by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.
Access Bars are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive. These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of all that no longer serves you, making space for better things to show up in your life!

What are the infinite possibilities?


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“Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing.”

- Gary Douglas




AccessBars®是Access Consciousness的核心和基础。 它可以成为伟大冒险的起点,也可以是你增添到你的生活中帮助你在一切事物上更加轻松自在。 Bars®是头部的32个独特的点位,与生活的不同领域和方面相关。 触摸一个Bars点位,你就开始通过触摸它来清除锁定在那个区域或生活方面的能量。