Bettina Madini

Bettina Madini

Hi there! I'm so happy you found my Access page and the glorious tools of Access Consciousness.

What can now change for you? Each choice creates!

I'm an artist and writer, singer and business owner, always wondering 'What else can I create?' and 'What contribution can I be to the earth today?'

I also have a wonderful background in finances. I came across Access Consciousness and the tools in a moment where I couldn't bare these invisible walls any longer, knowing at the same time that space and joy were possible at any moment, that I could change whatever I desired to change (I knew that already as a little kid... What about you?) And I could literally sense 'stuff' that kept me from just simply changing. What was that? I heard about a Bars class, and didn't act, let it fly by as 'just another modality'.... It came back around again and again (Thank you, universe! You amaze me!)! I got a Bars session to find out, for me, what it could create. And, I found the space that I knew was possible. I had space, real space, for the first time! 

Diving deeper into the World of Access, I could let go of so much more and find out who I am and what I CAN create.

So here I am, creating my art and my art business with so much more space of joy (think about it: how much judgment is in the art world?). Dancing around judgments, juries and agendas, and inviting people on my "Global Joyful World of and with Art - Journey". With Access Bars, Access Body Processes, clearings and finding what it is that YOU came here to create. A blank canvas, to me, is also a new chapter in life. What if your life was a canvas, blank, with no history, but the mystery of infinite possibilities? Are you truly afraid? Or are you excited?

We can truly change anything and everything, if we choose it. What do you know?

I'd be so happy to meet you one day in class! or in a session!

Take a peak at my art and


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Imagine, you could lift the weight of the world off of your shoulders, your face, your being....

“Every point of view you make solid and real limits the amount of you that can show up in the world.”

- Gary Douglas
