Devi Sitar

Devi Novianti

"Hello. Thank you for visiting my page.

I am an Access Bars Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator, DISC Map Guide, Soul Regression Therapist, and ICF-accredited coach.

I was first introduced to Access Bars in 2013 and became an Access Bars Facilitator in 2014. Since then, I have taken different courses on Access Consciousness. 

 Why work with me:
1. I   genuinely like to empower people. That was why I had a Master's Degree in Human Rights.
2. I  am an accredited coach under ICF and a Past  Life Regression Therapist. Therefore, I understand the system and can provide good support within this reality and beyond this reality.
3. I am a mother of two sons; there was a moment in my life when I was a single mom and struggling to survive, but not anymore. If I can make it, you can make it too. 


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“Life has no limitations, except the one you make.”

- Devi Novianti
