Jenny Watkins

Jenny Watkins

Have you been challenged by society, culture or your parents? Do you know there is more to life? Do you know that there are greater possibilities for you? Have you read all the books, bought all the T Shirts, attended all the courses and yet still feel like something is missing or you are living a life you are not happy with?

What if Access Consciousness could show you how to allow the real you to show up? Because what if you are not wrong? What if you are not broken? What if your points of view and the judgements of you are the distortion not allowing the real you to show up? What if Access Consciousness could give you the tools to create the most phenomenal life that you could ever plan or dream?

Raising a teenage boy as a single parent challenged my beliefs and assumptions of how a parent should be and put me in a space where I was unhappy and it wasn’t much fun for him either. I remember as a child listening to an argument and knowing “there has to be more to life than this’. Being a single parent started me on my journey of trying to understand through books and seminars and courses and talks and many hours of self judgement. It was so frustrating, because it still didn’t take me out of self blame.

At some point I discovered Consciousness work, first through Holographic Repatterning which led me to BodyTalk and BreakThrough. I graduated as a BodyTalk Practitioner and BreakThrough Facilitator and then I found BARS Access in 2011. BARS Access has accelerated my uncovering. Consciousness embraces everything and judges nothing. Access Consciousness is about discharging your points of view, judgments, wrongness, opinions so that you can experience BEING without the burden of judgment and being judged. It’s exciting and exhilarating. I feel like a brand new person, I love this work and I know it can create change for you too. If you have had enough of where you are, I invite you to have a few BARS Sessions and/or learn to run BARS, swop sessions with friends and run BARS for your family.

Access Consciousness is easy quick FUN and it works.

I look forward to meeting you, creating greater possibilities.

What contribution can I be?

What else is possible?

All of Life comes to me with Ease Joy and Glory


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